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Welcome to InnoLife Science, a digital news channel for startups and small (less then 2M€ in turnaround) life science companies in Scandinavia.

The aim of InnoLife Science is to present the latest news, insights and analyses to investors, business angels and bigger companies, interested to follow, invest in, or maybe acquire, new innovative life science companies.

We will start with a limited edition in the spring 2020 covering initially pharma and digital health.

Already you can look for categorized news about life science companies in the menu above.

Contact us at contact@innolifescience.com if you have inquiries about this site. Registration (and ditto login) is currently by invitation only.

The innoLife Science Team

 Ulrica Branning, editor, Co-founder

Project manager – GH Informatics AB

Martin Stenström, PhD in medical science, analyst InnoLife Science

Resercher – Active Biotech Research AB

Anders Borg, B:Sc.EE, InnoLife Science

Consultant and product developer in IoT, e-health, mobile and web – Abiro AB

Former co-owner, MM3 AB, Mobile Labs Sweden AB – Trivedia Sweden AB

Former business developer, product manager – Obigp AB/Teleca B

Former CTO, developer – Axis AB


Olof Jarlman, MD, PhD, Associate professor, analyst innoLife Science

Owner GH Informatics AB

Owner Jarlman AB

Former Chief Medical Officer digital helath/lelemedicine Region Scania, Sweden

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